The Whys and What-thes

I wish everyone was listening to Mark Levin right now, especially Conservatives. I just tuned in and I believe he's reading from his new book "Liberty and Tyranny". I can't wait to get that book.
THIS man should run for President.

Mandatory volunteerism: Yegads.

"To GIVE and to SERVE: the $6 billion National Service boondoggle"

Read this:

Bullying. Way to go. One of the many reasons I love unions -- NOT. They're such lovely people.

G came home last night, fit to be tied. He told me of another one of Obama's "desires". Seems The One now wants to set up some kind of charitable donation tsar to oversee our donations. Those that The One approves of will be tax deductible. Those not meeting The One's approval, not so much. So, if you give to ACORN you'll be in his good graces. If you give to, say, an organization such as Sav-a-Life, don't even think about trying to slip that on in on your taxes. I don't give to have tax deductions. We don't make enough money to bother. But there are many who make a few dollars who, though they give from the goodness of their hearts, still could use a nice deduction come tax time.


Geithner to Propose Vast Expansion Of U.S. Oversight of Financial System

Here we go!!!


And worst of all, The Big O wants Geithner to seriously consider China's demand of a one-world currency!! Good-bye, sweet sovereignty!

Next will be a one world order. He truly wants to rule the world, doesn't he?

I guess I'm still confused as to why people think this man is good for the country. I just don't see it. We're on a path I never thought I'd see our country choose in my lifetime.

Thanks to the boneheads in this new administration, who can't tell the truth, these are the repercussions of their lies:

Threats to AIG: "We Will Get Your Children"

If only Mike Rowe had been in charge:

"Rowe discusses the AIG Bonus Rage:

My Dad asked me this morning what I would do if I were an AIG banker who received a big bonus in this environment. Would I return it?

I opened my mouth to say “probably,” but what came out was “hmmm…”
To be honest, (perhaps too honest,) it got me thinking. Here’s where I am.

If, as a contracted employee who signed on for the sole purpose of making money, I did everything I was supposed to do to earn a payout of $5 million dollars, I would expect to be paid. I assumed a level of risk, and preformed as asked. A deal is a deal. The only circumstance that could justify a non-payment, would be the bankruptcy of the firm. (That’s the biggest part of the risk I assumed, working in a volatile and competitive industry.) However, if the company stays in business, or is not allowed to fail, I’d absolutely expect my money. And if I got it, and was then suddenly asked to return it because the government realized it looked politically stupid and fiscally foolish for subsidizing my big fat bonus with taxpayer money, I might be inclined to say “I’m sorry, but I’m a tax-payer too. If you didn’t want to pay me what I was legally owed, you should have let the company fail. My deal was with AIG, not you.”

This “bonus rage” would not be happening in a world that respected consequences, because in that world, those companies who can not afford to pay their bills would simply fail, the way they’re supposed to. Likewise, all citizens would live the lifestyle they can afford, the way they’re supposed to. Of course, that is not the world we live in. In fact, companies like AIG have prospered exactly because so many people now live beyond their means. The hard truth is, those big bonuses were earned because AIG got rich saying “yes” to millions of people who should have been told “no.” And because we’re all connected, we all get hurt."

Makes good sense to me.

As I've said before, I'm not thrilled by the fact these people got tax-payer money for their bonuses, but it was in their contracts that the "smart" people on the Hill knew about, though they lied through their teeth in denial, including The One himself. If anything violent happens to any one of the recipients or their family members, the blood is on this admins hands.

And instead of giving MORE power to Geithner or anyone else in Washington DC, perhaps we should use AIG as a lesson learned. Next time, let the institution fail!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BARACK OBAMA by Jim Geraghty

It's a Shame President Bush Dictated the Terms of the Federal Budget the Last Two Years

President Obama, last night: "I suspect that some of those Republican critics have a short memory, because, as I recall, I'm inheriting a $1.3 trillion deficit, annual deficit, from them."

That's funny, because as I recall, Congress controls the purse strings of the federal budgeting process, and Democrats have controlled Congress for the past two years.

Me: Anyone else getting sick of O's mantra?


If this happens, kiss your behind good-bye.


Chesterton was correct. When people stop believing in something, they’ll believe in anything. All of those people who threw off the shackles of religion because it was “unfree” and “guilt-inducing,” consider your new socialist religion, which is unfree and Guilt promoting.


  1. This is from Think Progress

    Earlier this week, China’s Central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan suggested the need for a “super-sovereign reserve currency,” a move most passed off as China trying to “flex some muscle.” And yet, within days, Fox News’ Major Garrett was demanding whether President Obama supported a “global currency.”

    So how did a story that has effectively no basis in reality — and has nothing to do with a global currency — end up as one of the few questions posed to President Obama last night? It started with a blaring banner on the instigator of conservative and media memes, the Drudge Report.
    Within hours, right-wing fanatic Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was demanding that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke pledge to never adopt a “global currency.” Soon, Fox News’ resident conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck was ranting that a U.N.-imposed global currency was the first step toward world government:

    – BACHMANN: I’m wondering, would you categorically renounce the United States moving away from the dollar and going to a global currency?

    – BECK: And now the U.N. is saying, you know what, we should have a global currency. It’s also a movement to tie the entire globe together into one big government.

    The circle was complete when, three hours after Beck’s show, Fox News’ White House Correspondent Major Garrett asked the president whether he supported a move to a “global currency.”
    Of course, the relatively benign idea of a new reserve currency is very different than a “global currency.” Though some conservative outlets are hyperventilating over this morning’s comments from Geithner signaling that he was “open” to considering China’s comments, Geithner “add[ed] several forceful promises” that the U.S. would not move to any sort of “global currency,” and emphasized that he did not foresee a change in the dollar’s credibility.


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