I try to find something positive in each day. Of course, I come up with a long laundry list of positives in my life. But, more and more, as each new day unfolds, I grow more achingly concerned about the America I grew up in. What have we done?
I am to the point of wondering what it is we can do to begin impeachment proceedings against Obama. He has absolutely turned his back on our Constitution, the thing he swore to uphold and defend (fingers crossed). He wants his wonder boy, Geithner, to have broader control, which scares the living daylights out of me. For the hundredth time, Geithner should NEVER HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. Give him more power?? He$$ NO! He is a tax cheat. He is a liar. He is as ignorant of the Constitution as the President.
Neither one of them has any business being in office. But, because Obama could speak well (as long as he had a script), and because he was black, he got elected. His inexperience is glowing now!! Then, he got his Timmy confirmed. But, have the many other positions in the treasury been filled? NO! Why? Because no one wants to be associated with this POC budget, rescue, stimulus or anything else that comes out of that office. It truly sickens me to see where we are going and how quickly we're getting there.
Some of us saw it. Some of us knew it was going to happen. Some of us aren't going to sit idly by and let it continue without a fight. People, it's time to get on your phones and computers or stick a pen in your hand and contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them that enough is enough.
We're sitting around on our arses, wringing our hands, and sweating bullets instead of getting up off said arses and making some noise!! We have elections coming up again soon. "Change"s need to be made. The Reids, Pelosis, Murthas, Dodds, Franks all need to get gone. Specter needs to be gone. They throw their hissy fits about AIG execs getting bonuses all the while they sit in their ivory towers and rip our country to shreds with their massive -- MASSIVE -- spending. They suck initiative, ambition, and hard work right out of the American people and replace it all with entitlement! Even the Gitmo prisoners are being considered eligible for WELFARE!! Are you kidding me??? The snobs on the Hill gather in their corners snickering and drooling over the next big program they can concoct to eat away more of the newly printed money we have because hey, the treasury can just print more money, right? They're having a ball up there in Washington DC with OUR money and we sit on our behinds and watch it happen.
"The Freedom Tower is out. One World Trade Center is in". And by the way, in case you haven't heard, the Trade Center memorial may now be named "One World Trade Center". Scary? Only the beginning. I know. It's only a name. But there's principle here and it shows the spinelessness of those involved. Former NY Gov. Pataki is raising hell over it and I hope he wins.
And while I'm on a roll here, let me say that I am sick to death of everyone who travels outside of the US apologizing for America. I know I've said that before, too. But after Hillary went to Mexico and apologized for and blamed America for the drug use that prompted the cartels, I got steamed all over again. What happened to Hill's hair, by the way? She looks rough.
I did hear a caller today on Hannity's radio show that did give me a little encouragement. A black gentleman, who used to be a proudly professed liberal (but voted for McCain), called Sean to let him know that his even more-proudly-professed-far-left-liberal wife has seen the light. He said that she voted for Obama and told everyone who came within listening range to vote for Obama; she took her voting age kids to register so they could vote for Obama. She was a HUGE Obama supporter. She danced and hooted and hollered the night Obama won. Now? She's wanting to know if he can be impeached. Atta, girl. I'm with ya, hon. That gives me so much hope.
Thank goodness Bush was in office or else Obama would have to be blaming Michelle O. for all of his ills. The man doesn't know how to take responsibility for anything. Oh, maybe I'm wrong. He knows how to take responsibility; he just ain't gonna do it.
I am to the point of wondering what it is we can do to begin impeachment proceedings against Obama. He has absolutely turned his back on our Constitution, the thing he swore to uphold and defend (fingers crossed). He wants his wonder boy, Geithner, to have broader control, which scares the living daylights out of me. For the hundredth time, Geithner should NEVER HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. Give him more power?? He$$ NO! He is a tax cheat. He is a liar. He is as ignorant of the Constitution as the President.
Neither one of them has any business being in office. But, because Obama could speak well (as long as he had a script), and because he was black, he got elected. His inexperience is glowing now!! Then, he got his Timmy confirmed. But, have the many other positions in the treasury been filled? NO! Why? Because no one wants to be associated with this POC budget, rescue, stimulus or anything else that comes out of that office. It truly sickens me to see where we are going and how quickly we're getting there.
Some of us saw it. Some of us knew it was going to happen. Some of us aren't going to sit idly by and let it continue without a fight. People, it's time to get on your phones and computers or stick a pen in your hand and contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them that enough is enough.
We're sitting around on our arses, wringing our hands, and sweating bullets instead of getting up off said arses and making some noise!! We have elections coming up again soon. "Change"s need to be made. The Reids, Pelosis, Murthas, Dodds, Franks all need to get gone. Specter needs to be gone. They throw their hissy fits about AIG execs getting bonuses all the while they sit in their ivory towers and rip our country to shreds with their massive -- MASSIVE -- spending. They suck initiative, ambition, and hard work right out of the American people and replace it all with entitlement! Even the Gitmo prisoners are being considered eligible for WELFARE!! Are you kidding me??? The snobs on the Hill gather in their corners snickering and drooling over the next big program they can concoct to eat away more of the newly printed money we have because hey, the treasury can just print more money, right? They're having a ball up there in Washington DC with OUR money and we sit on our behinds and watch it happen.
"The Freedom Tower is out. One World Trade Center is in". And by the way, in case you haven't heard, the Trade Center memorial may now be named "One World Trade Center". Scary? Only the beginning. I know. It's only a name. But there's principle here and it shows the spinelessness of those involved. Former NY Gov. Pataki is raising hell over it and I hope he wins.
And while I'm on a roll here, let me say that I am sick to death of everyone who travels outside of the US apologizing for America. I know I've said that before, too. But after Hillary went to Mexico and apologized for and blamed America for the drug use that prompted the cartels, I got steamed all over again. What happened to Hill's hair, by the way? She looks rough.
I did hear a caller today on Hannity's radio show that did give me a little encouragement. A black gentleman, who used to be a proudly professed liberal (but voted for McCain), called Sean to let him know that his even more-proudly-professed-far-left-liberal wife has seen the light. He said that she voted for Obama and told everyone who came within listening range to vote for Obama; she took her voting age kids to register so they could vote for Obama. She was a HUGE Obama supporter. She danced and hooted and hollered the night Obama won. Now? She's wanting to know if he can be impeached. Atta, girl. I'm with ya, hon. That gives me so much hope.
Thank goodness Bush was in office or else Obama would have to be blaming Michelle O. for all of his ills. The man doesn't know how to take responsibility for anything. Oh, maybe I'm wrong. He knows how to take responsibility; he just ain't gonna do it.
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