Drudge Reference Desk


Thought I'd post this link. It's the reference desk of The Drudge Report. Lots of references -- none, of course, to News Hounds, Media Matters, MoveOn.Org, etc. But there are plenty of references to check out.


  1. Why are The Anchoress,The Drudge Report,Michelle Malkin and my new fav Pam Geller quotable but Newshounds,Mediamatters,huffington Post etc.

  2. HI,
    I saw this quote and found it quite interesting.
    It was a headline in a newspaper the day after the election.
    "The election of this President is no doubt the greatest evil that has befallen this country."
    It was not the election of President Obama. The writer was speaking about the election of President Lincoln.

  3. I respect The Anchoress, The Drudge Report, Michelle Malkin and The Fox News site, as well as many others. I referenced Pam Geller once, for a particular article I happened to think was good.

    I have no respect for Newshounds because, in my opinion, they are nothing more than hatchet "journalists", not fact finders. I go to that site for comic relief. They are too funny.

    Media Matters, Huffington Post, Olbermann, etc. have nothing that I'm interested in on their sites. I check them out in my research to see how they are handling particular stories. If they had anything worth quoting, I'd quote them. If someone else wants to quote them, they're welcome to do so on their blogs.

    I "surf" many sites, not just news sites or blogs. I compile the stories and facts that I find, then I opine. I happen to like Michelle Malkin and her spunk. I like the Anchoress because she's just plain folk like me. She has a common sense approach to many news stories and she's not afraid to share her faith. I don't necessarily agree with some of her Catholic references, but then I'm not Catholic. Still I respect her faith.

    I read this morning that Angie Harmon (the actress) is having a problem with her peers because she doesn't agree with everything The One says. She's being called a racist because of her opinions. She says her disagreement with The One has nothing to do with the color of his skin; it's his policies. That's what comes from the Obama worship sites such as Huff Po, Media Matters, etc. Everything is based on political correctness, as well as the indoctrination in Obama's agenda. In fairness, these sites are not alone. They have MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, and other news sources in their camp as well.

    I usually go to News Hounds every day, but scold myself afterwards. I don't want to give them the idea that I'm a fan by adding to their visitor numbers. Sometimes I just need a good punch to get myself riled, and they always oblige; other times I just need a good chuckle.


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