Ultrarich, Political Correctness, New Book, Power Grab, Champions

BUTTE, Mont. (AP) - Three California families headed to a retreat for the ultrarich were among the 14 victims of a plane crash in Montana.

I guess that because these families were presumably "ultrarich" they deserved their fate. Why did this journalist (I use that term loosely) find it necessary to make such an assumption and use it in describing such a horrible tragedy? This is another example of the low to which the media has sunk.

These families were hard working, successful achievers who maybe had to have saved for a few years to be able to afford such a vacation. Perhaps they didn't. Maybe they were successful enough to be able to afford such a trip. SO WHAT??

Shame on Matthew Brown. He owes the families of those lost in this tragic accident a big apology. Their economic class had nothing to do with the massive loss of life. His insensitive and stupid reference to "ultrarich" was totally unnecessary to the story, except that HE wanted to make a point.

This from a commenter on another blog:

"The class warfare being waged in America by the leftists is really growing. A small but notable example came in the form of a “letter to the editor” in my local paper. The woman whined and concluded by saying:
'I have a better idea. Let’s put a computer chip in the bodies of all citizens earning over $250,000 per year so we can track their illegal activities such as fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion and white collar robbery'.
With this kind of nut she would say the same thing if BHO had picked $100K out of the air instead of the $250K."

I heard today that we can no longer say, "war on terror". It is now an "overseas contingency operation". Oh. My. Gosh. What next? How much more idiotic are we going to get? So. This says that those who attacked the WTC on 9-11-2001 were "overseas contingency operators"? I'm sure that makes the survivors and the loved ones of the lost feel so much better. Good grief.

“Liberty and Tyranny” by Mark Levin. I cannot wait to read this book. I might actually have to spend $25 to get it. It would be worth every dime. I love Mark Levin. He's a brilliant man -- a Constitutional lawyer. You can hear his show live here: http://www.marklevinshow.com/audio/

He also has another book, "Rescuing Sprite" that I want to read. Levin and his family are dog lovers and this is a book about one of his pets. I've read a lot of good reviews.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/23/AR2009032302830_pf.html "US Seeks Expanded Power to Seize Firms" One more power grab. If this is approved, it won't be long before total government control takes place. Geithner is about as trustworthy as kleptomaniac, so of course he should be given "expanded power". He can't pay his taxes and he can't tell the truth.

Wish someone in America had the guts to stand up to our pres. like this man did the Prime Minister of England. The message could stay the same, too.

"Bullodgs celebrate the first state basketball championship since 1945." GO DOGS!!! I'm so proud!


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