
Showing posts from March, 2009

A couple of my guys and their Mom

Sleeping sweetness. Nana's little men. Meggan and Deacon Nana!! Where's your make-up???


The Creme of the Creeps

Would someone PLEASE pack this jerk up and ship him to the International Space Station, accidentally losing him along the way? What an absolute creep. He doesn't deserve to live in this country. Decorated Fmr. Staff Sergeant Fires Back at Bill Maher for Rapist Joke About Soldiers By Jeff Poor | March 31, 2009 - 10:49 It might be par for the course, but liberal cable talk show host Bill Maher has once again done his best to offend with a distasteful and insensitive wisecrack about the U.S. military. Maher launched into a rant on his March 27 HBO show, "Real Time with Bill Maher" about American soldiers still stationed in Germany and Japan and took a swipe at the soldiers, insinuating they were rapists. "Forget about bringing the troops home Iraq - we need to get the troops home from World War II," Maher said. "Can anybody tell me why in 2009, we still have more than 50,000 t...

This makes me sick,0,2359403.story "Teacher charged with felonies in deaths of two cats in Boca Raton apartment" I hope this woman loses her job, never gets another teaching job and does every day of a max 5 year sentence!!

Pet peeves, irritants, and true and accurate quiz results

Woke up this morning to thunder and lightning, gray skies and rain. Thought about it for awhile and decided this is the kind of day to post pet peeves, irritants, and most things negative. :) Madie is at home with her mommy today, (the two taking a day off) and I have a little time before Deacon arrives, you lucky ducks. Before I list the negatives, how 'bout I list the absurd? The following are results of quizzes taken on Facebook, which means they're really, really true and accurate. Here goes: If I were a cake, I'd be a brownie. Why? Cuz "Your warm and caring, and try to do the best for your friends. People may think your weird at times, but you will eventually show them how scrumcious you are!" You can tell these results are true and accurate by the correct grammar and spelling! My parents should have named me "Annie". Why? Cuz -"You are nice, caring, and you love being with your friends. Boys drool over you and you are hot stuff....

Obama's elevated level of political discourse

WaPo Blog Poster: 'Way To Be More Retarded Than Palin's Down Syndrome Baby' By Michael M. Bates | March 29, 2009 - 22:16 Barack Obama promised to elevate the level of political discourse. Some of his apparent admirers didn't get the memo. Take, for example, this user comment on the Washington Post's 44: The Obama Presidency blog today: Considering how many people donated small amounts to his campaign, I imagine it would be difficult to find people who couldn't be considered "backers" in some way. I mean one of these guys donated a whopping $250. Yay Matt Drudge! Yay Rush Limbaugh! Way to be more retarded than Palin's down syndrome baby. The poster was responding to the blog item "Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers." That piece documented that at Obama's town hall meeting, his staff stacked the deck with the president's partisans. Tha...

Government Motors

From Gretawire: Sam says: March 30, 2009 at 5:20 pm Dear Mr.President, Patriotic retirement: There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force; pay them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations: 1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed. 2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed. 3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed. All this and it’s still cheaper than the “bailout”. Sounds like THE plan to me!!

Drudge Reference Desk Thought I'd post this link. It's the reference desk of The Drudge Report. Lots of references -- none, of course, to News Hounds, Media Matters, MoveOn.Org, etc. But there are plenty of references to check out.

Cable News Ratings, Encouragement, The Anchoress

CABLE NEWS RACE THU., MARCH 26, 2009 FOXNEWS O'REILLY 3,420,000 FOXNEWS HANNITY 2,987,000 FOXNEWS BECK 2,374,000 FOXNEWS GRETA 2,160,000 FOXNEWS BAIER 1,940,000 FOXNEWS SHEP 1,888,000 MSNBC OLBERMANN 1,322,000 CNNHN GRACE 1,300,000 MSNBC MADDOW 1,208,000 CNN KING 1,144,000 CNN COOPER 1,118,000 Seems that despite Media Matters and News Hounds nasty little smear tactics, FOX News continues to beat out the competition. Olbermann can yammer and call Hannity and O'Reilly the worst all he wants, but they're beatin' the pants off the fool. Guess not many folks turn to News Hounds or Media Matters for their opinions. More good news . . . Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny" is impossible to get right now. Our local Books-a-Million said it sold out the first day their first shipment arrived. They had a line of people waiting for the second shipment and sold out immediately. They have a LONG waiting list for the next shipment, of which the delivery date is unk...
I try to find something positive in each day. Of course, I come up with a long laundry list of positives in my life. But, more and more, as each new day unfolds, I grow more achingly concerned about the America I grew up in. What have we done? I am to the point of wondering what it is we can do to begin impeachment proceedings against Obama. He has absolutely turned his back on our Constitution, the thing he swore to uphold and defend (fingers crossed). He wants his wonder boy, Geithner, to have broader control, which scares the living daylights out of me. For the hundredth time, Geithner should NEVER HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. Give him more power?? He$$ NO! He is a tax cheat. He is a liar. He is as ignorant of the Constitution as the President. Neither one of them has any business being in office. But, because Obama could speak well (as long as he had a script), and because he was black, he got elected. His inexperience is glowing now!! Then, he got his Timmy confirmed. But, ...

The Whys and What-thes

I wish everyone was listening to Mark Levin right now, especially Conservatives. I just tuned in and I believe he's reading from his new book "Liberty and Tyranny". I can't wait to get that book. THIS man should run for President. ****** Mandatory volunteerism: Yegads. "To GIVE and to SERVE: the $6 billion National Service boondoggle" Read this: ******* Bullying. Way to go. One of the many reasons I love unions -- NOT. They're such lovely people. ******* G came home last night, fit to be tied. He told me of another one of Obama's "desires". Seems The One now wants to set up some kind of charitable donation tsar to oversee our donations. Those that The One approves of will be tax deductible. Those not meeting The One's approval, not so much. ...

Toxic Assets

The Toxic Assets We Elected By George F. Will Tuesday, March 24, 2009; A13 With the braying of 328 yahoos -- members of the House of Representatives who voted for retroactive and punitive use of the tax code to confiscate the legal earnings of a small, unpopular group -- still reverberating, the Obama administration yesterday invited private-sector investors to become business partners with the capricious and increasingly anti-constitutional government. This latest plan to unfreeze the financial system came almost half a year after Congress shoveled $700 billion into the Troubled Assets Relief Program, $325 billion of which has been spent without purchasing any toxic assets. TARP funds have, however, semi-purchased, among many other things, two automobile companies (and, last week, some of their parts suppliers ), which must amaze Sweden. That unlikely tutor of America regarding capitalist common sense has said, through a Cabinet minister, that the ailing Saab automobile compan...

Ultrarich, Political Correctness, New Book, Power Grab, Champions

BUTTE, Mont. (AP) - Three California families headed to a retreat for the ultrarich were among the 14 victims of a plane crash in Montana. I guess that because these families were presumably "ultrarich" they deserved their fate. Why did this journalist (I use that term loosely) find it necessary to make such an assumption and use it in describing such a horrible tragedy? This is another example of the low to which the media has sunk. These families were hard working, successful achievers who maybe had to have saved for a few years to be able to afford such a vacation. Perhaps they didn't. Maybe they were successful enough to be able to afford such a trip. SO WHAT?? Shame on Matthew Brown. He owes the families of those lost in this tragic accident a big apology. Their economic class had nothing to do with the massive loss of life. His insensitive and stupid reference to "ultrarich" was totally unnecessary to the story, except that HE wanted to make a poin...

"Something of Historic Proportion is Happening"

"Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by Pam Geller This takes a couple minutes to read -- but it will be the most important couple minutes you can imagine. No matter what your political position, this is information you NEED to know. This was not written by some political hack -- check out her credentials at the end of the article. ___________________________________ "Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" I am a student of history. Professionally. I have written 15 books in six languages, and have studied it all my life. I think there is something monumentally large afoot, and I do not believe it is just a banking crisis, or a mortgage crisis, or a credit crisis. Yes, these exist but they are merely single facets on a very large gemstone that is only now coming into a sharper focus. Something of historic proportions is happening. I can sense it because I know how it feels, smells, what it looks like, and how people react to ...

For Jo

Sunday evening

What a weekend! And it's gone . . . all gone. Back to the grind tomorrow. Had a great time last night with hubby in Huntsville. I took him on a spur-of-the-moment tour of Madison. We've lived in 'Bama now for 16 years, okay? We still don't know our way around H'ville or Madison that well. We eventually get where we wanna be, but we often get to see a lot of new scenery on the way. That's the way it was last night, but it was fun. Today was very busy, but I think I'm about to cash it in for the day. Both Gary and I are pooped (he worked on his office today while I ran errands). I had to work at the clinic, too, since I put it off all week (the clinic was closed for Spring Break). Had a great converstation with my sis-in-law. She told me that my alma mater, Madison High School (that's Madison, South Dakota) won State in basketball!!! First time since 1945! GO BULLDOGS!!! I am sooooo proud of them. Wish I remembered our fight song. Haven't...

Hypersensitivity, chaos, and the bus

I sure wish some would let Obama's "Special Olympics" gaffe go. Yes, it was a stupid remark, but who of us hasn't said something we wished we could take back as soon as it left our yaps? And yes, I understand why it's a big deal to some on the right. Had it been Bush who said it, he'd have been tarred and feathered and they'd be calling for a public hanging. But he's Bush, not Oshielded Obama. But by now we have to be very familiar with the double standard and hypocrisy from the left. Where is their outrage over this "slip of the tongue"? Oh yeah. Karen, you're such a doofus! You already answered that question. This is Obama we're talking about. Sheesh! We've become hypersensitive to every word out of every mouth. We may as well walk around with duct tape over our mouths. But then our fingers would get us into trouble so we'd have to bind them with duct tape. Our eyes would then have to be our expressions, whic...


I had to go in and fix some of the links on my "Headlines" blog this evening and had to delete one completely because I could not get it to work. As I said, a work in progress . . . Give me points for tryin', huh?

Joey Sings the Blues

Here is a video of our Joey singing. The first time we heard this we about died laughing. He's been doing it since he was but a pup and it is hilarious. He sings mostly after he's picked up one of his toys. Hilarious . . . oh, I already said that. But, it bears repeating.


Sorry about all the different colors on the blog!! It's still a work in progress, and with me doing the working, it's gonna take awhile to work out all the kinks. Yeesh!

Great site


Okay. So here are some headlines for today (some encouraging; some, not so much): Paper: Is this the end of America? $1 trillion deficits seen for the next 10 years. . . (And this just in, via : “U.S. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad said on Thursday he expects federal deficit spending will be about $1.6 trillion greater over the next ten years than President Barack Obama’s budget plan forecasts. Obama submitted his budget outline to Congress last month which forecast almost $7 trillion in deficits through 2 019, however a worsening economic picture is expected to make the budget outlook darker. Conrad told reporters that the additional $1.6 trillion over the next decade was based on ...


I'm exhausted. I just watched an interview/debate and could only shake my head. It was a debate on the planned immigration reform. A conservative and liberal were "discussing" the issue. Four times the conservative asked the liberal if she could name any of the immigration laws on the books that she was in favor of. The liberal guest NEVER answered the question. Did not even attempt to answer. She just went on and on about how immigrants could help stimulate our economy. PULEEZE! That's one of the reasons I decided to put my opinions on a blog instead of in my emails. If I asked a legitimate question regarding any of this administration's goings-on, I couldn't get answers from those who voted for Obama or who supported him and his agenda. Instead, I was told I was "extremely angry and volatile" or I would be accused of scoffing at scripture or "absorbing" only those scriptures that I chose. It was exhausting. I will admit to b...

Playtime, allergy time, rant time :)

For some reason, today feels like it should be St. Patrick's Day. Wednesdays and St. Patrick's Days just seem to go together. I don't know why. Same reason "Wednesday" makes me think of green. Weird. Yes. I know. Consider the source. Have spent the past couple afternoons outside with the grandsons and I'm paying. If I just didn't breathe outside, I'd be fine. The pollen is getting thick and it goes right to my throat. I'm a baby when it comes to sore throats. Plus I go into sneezing fits, which can be a challenge for us older gals, if you catch my drift. Today while we were outside, the little girls across the street saw Dylan and went crazy. So, he went over and played with them for awhile; then they all came over to our yard. All the while, I had Deacon. He was in the stroller for awhile, but became bored, so I took him out and held him the rest of the time. He fell fast asleep and was quite content; quite comfortable. Nana did not...

St. Patty's Day; military abuse; heroes; hypocrits

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! This article disturbs me greatly. Our military is already grossly underpaid, cuts are being promised, and now The One wants to make private insurance companies care for service-connected injuries and disabilities? Unbelievable. As far as I'm concerned, I believe any health care for any veteran should be provided by the government, even though they do a lousy job of providing any service. It is my belief that they, the military, are more entitled to free health care than anyone else, especially the politicians who make such stupid decisions. I would rather my tax dollars go to programs that would do more for our military personnel and their families. But no. Not with this administration. They're going to do what it takes to dissemble our military and disrespect our men and women in uniform. Ho...

God's Will . . . or is it?

In thumbing through my Sunday School lesson book, I ran across something that caught my attention. First, let me say that our lessons of late have been spot on with the times in which we live. Coincidence? I think not. God does not deal in coincidences. Nor, is everything that happens "God's will". We are often times guilty of using the expression "God's will" to explain away tragedies or crises. Such a flippant expression reduces God's will to fate. "It overlooks God's gift to humans of a free will as well as the consequences of human choices," according to the author. He continues, "Because God gave humans the responsibility to choose their actions, we can say that all consequences of bad choices are God's will only in the sense that He permitted them. That is not the same, however, as saying God desired the bad choices or caused them." The Bible tells us that God wants the best for us. His will is for us to reco...

The Debut

This is my debut, well sort of, as a blogster. I tried it once before and became impatient because I didn't receive get the responses I thought I should be getting. I've grown so much since then. I will now use my blog as it is intended -- my diary or journal. As I've aged, I've honed opinions and am no longer too afraid to share them. Take them for what they are: opinions, feelings, rants, whatever. Feel free to respond or share your thoughts, opinions, rants, etc. This is a relatively new venture for me and I look forward to posting often. As my blog title indicates, I am digressive. I'll veer from topic to topic without notice, so stay alert! Welcome to my world . . .