
Showing posts from June, 2009

Disgusting TV Ads

Is it just me, or are commercials on TV becoming more and more R rated and even closer to becoming X rated?? I despise the Burger King and Hardees commercials. They are disgusting and I've let them know. I will not spend a dime at either place until they clean up their acts. I've also asked BK to get rid of that creepy king of theirs. Is it any wonder America is suffering from such moral decay? Sex has become so cheapened that the actual "intimacy" of it is worthless. There's nothing "special" about it anymore. It's just another "feel good" that people want -- at any cost. More and more children are being exposed to sex earlier and earlier in their little lifetimes. They no longer get to be children. If they themselves aren't exploited through child porn or sold for dope, they're shown the deviant side of something that should be private and beautiful on television commercials and shows. No one seems to care. Even their ...

Check out this video. It'll make you smile.

Please check out this blog to see one of the cutest little videos I've ever seen. It was taken by Meg's sis-in-law (who is awesome at pics and videos). Of course, my baby grandson is the last little fella in the video and I smile (real big) every time I see it. Thanks again, Jen, for the day brightner!! It's the video titled "I know ... too much time on my hands".

Alonna Update Part II

I have finally managed to weed out a day when I don't HAVE to do too much and what I HAD to do, I've done. So, without further ado, I would like to update some unfinished business. I'm going to attached some photos of my niece, Alonna (with her permission, of course) that were taken after her accident. She has asked me to send her many thanks for all your prayers. She is painfully aware that things could have turned out much worse than she did. She has an amazing attitude and though she could be, she hasn't whined one bit about her discomfort and restrictions. She wants to go to the Middle School this Fall and share her story and the importance of wearing a seat belt. I'm very proud of her. Alonna before her accident And after

This is precious!


Alonna Update

I apologize for my lapse in memory. There's these blank spots on the carousel of my brain that circle around frequently causing me to forget some important matters. Luckily, some of the filled but fading spots do circle back around and remind me of things I'm supposed to do or have done. Anyhoo . . . My niece Alonna is home. She went home last Thursday (I believe). Her mouth is wired shut which means that as long as she can get it through a straw, she can eat anything. I'm sure she is very sore. They had to repair her eye socket with plates as well as other rebuilding procedures. Please keep her in your prayers. It does look like she's going to be fine, but it's going to be a long 6 weeks! As far as I know, her boyfriend is doing well, too. Thank you all for your prayers. They were heard and answered in a positive manner. This accident could have been so much worse. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer and know that if I can't offer anythi...

Space wars

Here are the latest photos of our grandsons. They're practicing to become Jedi Knights. Notice Dylan's spare sword in his pj's top? A good Jedi Knight is always prepared.

Needing more prayers

My beautiful niece was in a car accident last night along with her boyfriend. Both were badly hurt and are in need of your prayers. I just talked with Alonna. They are getting ready to take her into surgery to repair the damage done to her face. One side was pretty messed up. Sounds like she's in for some extensive surgery. I didn't ask her how her boyfriend is doing, but it sounds like he got hurt even worse than did she but is expected to be okay. Alonna is my baby brother's only child. Please pray for a speedy recovery for both kids. I'll let you know how they progress. Thank you so much.

Phones, weather, visits, prayers

Went and bought new phones Wednesday evening. Our trouble wasn't with our phones. It was the phone line. Called AT&T. Said the line would be fixed by Friday (today). They were true to their word. New phones are now working. I hate the telephone, but I also hate being without one. We all have cell phones, but they're pay-as-you-go and I just feel a bit more secure knowing that our government can listen in on our land lines, don't you? :) Anyway, I'm happy that problem can be checked off the list. We are having a beautiful day today -- temps in the 70's; low humidity. Skies are clearing after yesterday's rainy day. Grass is growing tall; weeds are out-growing the grass. It's Friday. Life is good. Got to visit with brother number 3 a couple days this week. He was in H'ville working and spent a couple nights with us. It was great to see him, as always. Our friend Ernie is home for a few days. She'll have to go back to Houston in abou...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, air!

What a relief it is to have our a/c back up and running. I knew I missed it; I just didn't realize just how much I missed it. It's nice to step out of the shower and still feel clean 8 hours later. It's nice not leaving damp spots on furniture when I stand up. It's wonderful being able to do a chore and leave puddles behind! How in the world did we ever do without it for so many years? I realize it's a luxury, but it's one I don't want to have to do without! I can now sympathize with folks who don't have a/c or can't afford it! We can hardly afford it ourselves and I don't look forward to the bills, but I get awfully cranky when I don't sleep well and I don't sleep well when I'm glistening puddles, know what I'm sayin'? I thank God everyday for Paul, Gail and Wesley. They're the friends who got us back up a running. Last night I actually slept under a sheet, blanket and quilt. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was wonderful!...

Cool, cool change

We finally have a/c again!! Many, many, many thanks to our friends who put up with our calls of "urgency" every two to three years. Our unit has a tiny pinhole freon leak, so every two to three years it needs recharging. They are always so willing to come and help us out and only ask enough to cover the cost of the freon. God bless them!! I can't tell you how HAPPY I am to feel the cool again!! Our house is still 85 degrees, but it is slowly cooling down. It was 87, humid and sticky! At least now the air is dryer. The outdoor's temp today was 95! Last night was horrid, trying to sleep. The house had to have been around 87 degrees when we went to bed. We tried to sleep with three fans blowing on us, but there was little relief. Finally sleep came for me around 2:00 this morning. Tonight will be pure bliss! Now maybe I can get some things done that I've been needing and wanting to do! The kids should do better, too. Poor little things. I keep think...