Sweet conversations

Conversation between Dylan and the little black girl (Hannah) from across the street (yesterday) while they were chalking the driveway:
Dylan: "Do you know my name?"
Hannah: (Looking puzzled) "Huh?"
Dylan: "My name is Dylan. Please call me 'Dylan'. Don't call me 'Hey!'"
Hannah: "'kay."
(I just love that little man!)
Hannah is about 4-years old and always asks, when she sees me, "Heyyyy! Where's our frieeeend?" (She is too cute and a little hand full!) She loves Dylan to death and wants to play with him every day! He doesn't mind playing with Hannah and her older sister, Kaya, but I guess he got fed up with being called "Hey". Kaya is adorable. She's always so willing to help with anything! She wanted to mow my yard last Saturday, but she's only 6. She's her mommy's helper. They also have a 6-month old sister, Jacquelin, who is precious. Their folks are really nice people.
Another conversation. This one between Dylan and Nana, while watching the momma Robin look for food for her babies:
Nana: "Dylan. Be still. The momma robin is looking for food for her babies and when you run, it scares her away."
Dylan: "She's looking for buuugs. She chews them up then spits them in the babies' mouths (with a look of disgust on his face and putting one on Nana's face). They eat worms. Worms aren't bugs."
Nana: "Aren't you glad you're not a baby bird?"
Dylan: "Ewww. Yeah. Nana, how come the momma bird doesn't just give the babies a bottle?"
Nana (chuckling): "Well, first of all, there aren't any bird stores for her to get the food and bottles. Second of all, God made the birds to eat all the bugs so we didn't have to. Then the momma gives her bug food to the babies so they'll know what to eat when they leave the nest."
Dylan (looking skeptical): "Oh."
Love, love, love that boy. We get into great conversations when we're just chillin'. I love chillin' with him. He makes life simple again.
Dylan is a very sensible little man.And a cute one too.